Apr 23 2016

Symbol, Acronym, Formulas and Definitions

dq @ 6:34 AM

Below you will find the standard units of measurements table:

Quantity Scientist Mathmatic Symbol Unit of Measurement Unit Abbreviation Formula Usage
Coulomb (potential energy) Charles Coulomb C Coulomb J = joule 6.24 (10^18) = 1A @ 186,000 MPS. here
Conductance (friction) G Siemens S 1 / R here
Current Georg Simon Ohm I Ampere (“Amps”) A I = E / R here
Voltage Georg Simon Ohm E or V Volt V E = I * R here
Resistance Georg Simon Ohm R Ohm Ω R = E / I here
Power James Prescott Joule W Watt W P = E^2 * R here

Below is the Metric notation table (power of ten):

Unit Unit prefix Metric notation
yocto y 10^ -24
zepto z 10^ -21
atto a 10^ -18
femto f 10^ -15
pico p 10^ -12
nano n 10^ -9
micro μ 10^ -6
milli m 10^ -3
(Units) 10^ 0
Kilo K 10^ 3
Meg M 10^ 6
Giga G 10^ 9
Tera T 10^ 12
Peta P 10^ 15
Exa E 10^ 18
Zetta Z 10^ 21
Yotta Y 10^ 24
Metic notation is different from Scientific notation by the power of units. IE Metric notation 123.4K would read as 1.234EE+2 scientific notation.
Link to ASCII chart here.

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